Blended learning - Podcast Episode #7

Working in blended learning, colleagues Ben and Theo call it a dream come true. Why do they feel this way? How can blended learning become the dream for your organization? ‘When you are having fun, you’re learning!’ This episode is full of tips such as gamification, flip the classroom, competition and buddy teams.

‘The future is now, not tomorrow!’ According to Ben and Theo, including tech in your learning journeys is no longer a question, it’s what learners need – especially because learning needs to be available on demand, mobile and personalized. At the end they give you a very good tip to invigorate your learning program.

You can find their 'Invigor-8'checklist below!



Is your training portfolio 2022 proof?

Ask yourself the following 8 questions and see how Relevance can help you reinvigorate your learning journeys.

Invigor-8 checklist

1. Is it a blended mix of online and classroom learning?
We offer learners the content online, and reserve most face to face time for practice and application. The result is confident learners who are able to quickly apply theory in practice.

2. Is there transfer and application to your workplace?
We use personal cases and relevant practical assignments throughout the program. You will see learners purposely apply new behavior on the work floor.

3. Is it easily accessible and mobile?
Our platform seamlessly links to your existing LMS and the content is also available in an app. You can see participants learn in any place at any time suitable for them.

4. Are your learners motivated to stay invested?
We let learners formulate their own learning goals, which enables personal investment and creates a sense of urgency. Learners speak about the training and look forward to continue learning.

5. Is it full of social learning moments?
With regular feedback and nudges from other participants, managers and the trainer, both online and offline, we facilitate a feeling of togetherness. You will see an increase of trust, cooperation, people learning from each other and best practice sharing.

6. Is there gamification?
When appropriate, we use scoring points, badges and leaderboards that generate extrinsic motivation. You see friendly competition between learners and enthusiasm to finalize a program.

7. Is there an online facilitator available at all times?
Our certified trainers facilitate both on the online platform and in the classroom. Learners feel confident because they have sufficient support when and where they need it.

8. Do you evaluate your program’s effectiveness?
We can assist you in deciding what you want to know about the training’s effectiveness, and we offer multiple ways of evaluation; including 360 degree feedback. Resulting in a clear view on the learning journeys impact on your strategic objectives.

Topics: Podcast



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